A window into your audience

Find your best listeners

Evaluate success over time

Understand the stories that resonate

Analayse all your data in depth

Find your best listeners

Get updated about the listens on your podcasts and also get insights about the people that listen to each episode.

- Filter data by listening duration, frequency and interests.

- Follow your listener as she consumes your different podcasts across the app.

Evaluate success over time

Gain insight into the performance of your content and your clients' campaigns.

- Intuitively assess content performance, KPIs, and valuable trends over the long term.

- Group your results by custom date range, topic, and advertiser.

Understand the stories that resonate

Discover your best and worst engaging content so you learn how to improve listening time in coming episodes.

- Rank by Total Listening Hours, Reach, and Average Time Spent Listening for podcasts and episodes.

- Discern between downloads, play events and active listening.

Analayse all your data in depth

Gather data from across your mobile apps with Voizzup API's

- Make new custom experiences for listeners, like recommendation engines or most popular modules.

- Download results for use in other applications.

Read the latest on data for podcast industry.

What and how do we measure?

Before diving into research results or any data analytics, it’s wise wondering what is actually being measured and how. Understanding the nature of our data

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Our expertise and focus on data-science applied to audio listening, at your service.